These words from John Ruskin resonate in my heart and echo my feelings when I am communing with Nature.


even, dense and old stand of beech trees (Fagu...

There is religion in everything around us,


A calm and holy religion


In the unbreathing things in Nature.


It is a meek and blessed influence,


Stealing in as it were unaware upon the heart;


It comes quickly, and without excitement;


It has no terror, no gloom;


It does not rouse up the passions;


It is untrammelled by creeds…


It is written on the arched sky;


It looks out from every star;


It is on the sailing cloud and in the invisible wind;


It is among the hills and valleys of the earth


Where the shrubless mountain-top pierces the thin atmosphere


of eternal winter,


Or where the mighty forest fluctuates before the strong wind,


With its dark waves of green foliage;


It is spread out like a legible language upon the broad face of

an unsleeping ocean;

It is the poetry of Nature;


It is that which uplifts the spirit within us…


And which opens to our imagination a world of spiritual beauty


and holiness.


English: Negative low tide at Ocean Beach in S...


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